Wednesday, 23 July 2008


When you are making a user, then you will have a .profile, you can export your environment setting here, your path, so it make easy so you dont have to run full path command, just run the alias you set

Monday, 7 July 2008

How to make solaris 10 using dhcp client

1.if in /etc/hosts you already have ip static configured for this host, please comment it.
2. touch empty file /etc/dhcp.interfacename example : touch /etc/dhcp.bge0
3. touch empty file /etc/hostname.interfacename example : touch /etc/hostname.bge0
4. reboot the system

How to do jumpstart

1. clean all unnecessary log and config files from the server we want to clone
2. make backup for the /etc/inittab
3. uncomment all the process of application in /etc/inittab
4. enter single mode (init s)
5. login using serial console cable
6. flarcreate -n hostname -c -S -x /oradata hostname_images.flar
7. restore inittab
8. reboot the system
9. transfer the image files to jumpstart server
to be Continue